Welcome to Word of Life Church of God in Christ!
We're very excited you're here! Word of Life COGIC exists to empower individuals to find a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ through learning the Word, living the Way, and loving our World with God's Love.
We welcome you to join us for any of our services or events. We are here for you!Jesus Christ through learning the Word, living the Way, and loving our World with God's Love.

We are a family of believers
experiencing life-transformation through the power of God's Word!
+ PROCLAIMING the life-giving Gospel of Jesus Christ
+ PREPARING followers through Biblical discipleship
+ PURSUING a Spirit-filled, holy lifestyle
+ PARTICIPATING as worshippers in God's presence
+ PROMOTING relationships through fellowship
+ emPOWERING and supporting families and individuals
+ PURPOSING to invite others into God's family
+ PROVIDING support to our community
+ PARTNERING with missions organizations
+ PREPARING for the soon return of Jesus Christ!

Our Story
In March of 1991, Word of Life COGIC began when Pastor Sidney Frye organized a small group Bible study in the home of a Rochester resident. Through the generosity of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church a door was opened for Word of Life Church was able to begin ministering. Formal installation services for the ministry were conducted on April 3, 1993, by church denomination leaders. In 2001, Word of Life Church began construction of a church facility to be located in Northwest Rochester. On October 5, 2002, Pastor and Mrs. Sidney Frye, along with the Word of Life Church congregation, dedicated their a newly built church edifice to the Lord. Word of Life Church continued to grow and expand, serving children and families in the community through an onsite daycare center, Seeds of Wisdom Early Development Preschool and a Christian elementary program, Seeds of Wisdom Christian Academy. To help fulfill these ministry focuses, in 2010 Word of Life Church relocated to a larger facility in northwest Rochester, located at 4925 Hwy 52 N, Rochester, MN 55901, which housed all of the ministries in one location. Yet this rented location, only served as a temporary opportunity to solidify and develop the ministries at Word of Life Church. On April 20, 2014, Word of Life Church relocated and relaunched its ministry in southeast Rochester with the purpose of continuing to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ as well as meeting the needs of a changing and growing community.
Our Leaders

A dynamic and anointed duo, with a love for God and heart for serving God’s people, Bishop Sidney L. Frye, Sr. and First Lady Evelyn T. Frye have been serving the community of Rochester, Minnesota, through Word of Life Church and its ministries for over 30 years. Their primary focuses have been communicating the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ministering to the family of believers, supporting the community, and educating students and families for the Kingdom of God. A continuing legacy of inviting others into the family of God, through the teaching of His Word, living of His Way, and experiencing the power of worship in His presence, has touched the lives of hundreds who have encountered God’s love through their ministry.
Our Pastor

Bishop Sidney L. Frye, Sr. Bishop Sidney L. Frye, Sr. is the pastor and founder of Word of Life Church of God in Christ in Rochester, Minnesota. Through fifty years of service in ministry and 30 years of pastoral ministry he has lived a life built upon his personal faith in God, a strong commitment to his family, and a love for people. Born on July 17, 1952, to Pastor Lewis and Mrs. Essie Frye, the sixth child of twelve children, he grew up in a large, warm circle of immediate and extended family members in Ypsilanti, Michigan. A gifted teacher and anointed minister of the Gospel, Bishop Sidney L. Frye, Sr. answered the call to ministry in 1971 under the late Superintendent Willie E. Sheard at Mount Olive COGIC, and he was ordained as an Elder in 1976 by the late Bishop John Seth Bailey, in Detroit, Michigan. In 1984, after a job relocation to Minnesota, Bishop Sidney L. Frye, Sr. continued in ministry at Emmanuel Tabernacle COGIC under the direction of Bishop Stanley N. Frazier, where he served as Youth Pastor, New Believer’s Class Teacher, State Evangelism President, and Assistant Pastor. In 1991, Bishop Sidney L. Frye, Sr. began a small group Bible study in southeast Rochester, Minnesota, which became Word of Life Church of God in Christ, the first fully established COGIC church outside of the Twin Cities Metropolitan area. His service in the Minnesota Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction spans over 37 years and includes serving as District Superintendent of the W. B. Williams Metropolitan District, Chairman of the Ordination Commission, Chair of the Board of Superintendents, and First Administrative Assistant to Bishop Fred W. Washington, Jurisdictional Prelate. On June 23, 2021, Bishop Sidney L. Frye, Sr. was consecrated to the Sacred Office of Bishop in the Lord's Church by Presiding Bishop J. Drew Sheard, during the Church of God in Christ 2021 Episcopal Consecration & Elevation Service in Memphis, Tennessee. Bishop Sidney L. Frye, Sr. earned a Bachelor of Science in Ministry from University of Northwestern-St. Paul. Bishop Sidney L. Frye, Sr. is married to Evangelist Evelyn T. Frye, and their union of 48 years has produced five daughters, two sons, and nineteen grandchildren. He is a devoted husband, beloved father, and fun-loving grandfather. While enjoying his ministry roles and titles, he is most pleased to bear the designation, “Servant of God.”
Our Heritage
Word of Life Church of God in Christ is a part of the Church of God in Christ (COGIC) headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee. Founded in 1907 by Bishop Charles Harrison Mason, the Church of God in Christ is a pentecostal church denomination that emphasizes the preaching of the Gospel, the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, the importance of living a holy lifestyle, and dynamic worship experiences. From humble beginnings, the Church of God in Christ has grown to include 12,000+ churches in every state of the U.S. and in 112 countries. Today, under the leadership of Bishop J. Drew Sheard, it is one of the largest pentecostal denominations in the world.
What We Believe
+ WE BELIEVE the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible written Word of God.
+ WE BELIEVE that there is only One God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and, God the Holy Spirit.
+ WE BELIEVE in the blessed Hope, which is the rapture of the Church of God, which is in Christ, at His return.
+ WE BELIEVE that the only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the precious Blood of Jesus Christ.
+ WE BELIEVE that regeneration by the Holy Ghost is absolutely essential for personal salvation.
+ WE BELIEVE that the redemptive work of Christ on the Cross provides healing for the human body in answer to believing prayer.
+ WE BELIEVE that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, according to Acts 2:4, is given to believers who ask for Him.
+ WE BELIEVE in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a holy and separated life in the present world.
Learning God's Word, Living God's Way,
Sharing God's love!
we believe that the
has the power to transform
Welcome to Word of Life
Church of God in Christ!
We're very excited you're here! Word of Life COGIC exists to empower individuals to find a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ through learning the Word, living the Way, and loving our World with God's Love.
We welcome you to join us for any of our services or events. We are here for you!